License Information

Permitted & Not Permitted List

What Is Allowed?

  • You may use our stock images, vectors, graphics, photography, art & illustrations, reels, and video clips for personal, commercial, and editorial purposes under the terms of the respective license.
  • Content can be used in digital formats, advertisements, marketing campaigns, websites, social media posts, educational materials, and presentations, provided it complies with the license terms.
  • Modifications, such as resizing, cropping, or combining with other elements, are allowed to suit your project’s needs, as long as the final use respects the usage terms.

What Is Not Allowed?

  • Reselling, redistributing, or sublicensing the content as it is or in any format, such as making the content available on other platforms or services.
  • Using the content for illegal, offensive, defamatory, or pornographic purposes, or in any way that infringes upon the rights, privacy, or reputation of individuals or entities.
  • Claiming our stock images, vectors, graphics, photography, art & illustrations, reels, or video clips as your own work, or misrepresenting the source of the content.
  • Using free or premium content in a way that violates the usage rights, such as creating derivative works for resale without explicit permission.

Usage License Policy

1. Free Content Usage License Policy

  • Free content is provided under a basic license, which allows personal and limited commercial use.
  • Users can use free content in non-commercial projects like blogs, school projects, personal websites, and social media posts without needing attribution.
  • For commercial use of free content (e.g., business advertising or marketing campaigns), attribution to “MOBSEAR Gallery” is required, unless otherwise specified.
  • Free content cannot be used for resale, redistribution, or in products intended for profit without explicit permission.

2. Premium Content Usage License Policy

  • Premium content is provided under a standard or extended license, depending on the type of purchase:
    • Standard License: Includes use in personal and commercial projects, such as advertising campaigns, websites, apps, or printed materials. Distribution is limited to a set number of 500,000 copies.
    • Extended License: Includes all rights in the standard license, with additional permissions for unlimited copies, use in merchandise (e.g., T-shirts, mugs), or templates intended for resale.
  • Premium content does not require attribution, and you may modify it to suit your project. However, you may not resell or distribute the original file as is or as part of a collection.

Additional Terms for All Content:

  • Users are responsible for ensuring that the content’s use complies with local laws and regulations.
  • MOBSEAR Gallery retains all rights to the content, and users are granted a license to use the content per the terms described above.
  • Violation of the usage terms may result in the suspension of your account and/or legal action.

How Each License Works

MOBSEAR Gallery offers multiple licensing options to suit different usage needs. Below are the details of each license type:

Table with Permitted & Restricted Lists
License License Type Permit Permitted Uses Restriction Restrictions
Free License
  • Personal and non-commercial projects.
  • Editorial use (e.g., blogs, news articles, educational materials) with proper attribution.
  • Social media posts with credit to MOBSEAR Gallery. Include the attribution in the caption, footer, or description area of the content.
  • No use in trademarks, logos, or brand identities.
  • No redistribution, resale, or sublicensing.
  • No commercial usage without upgrading to a premium license.
Pro License (Standard Commercial)
  • Business and commercial projects (advertisements, websites, marketing materials, presentations, etc.).
  • Social media and digital promotions without attribution.
  • Printed materials (e.g., brochures, posters, business cards, packaging) with limited distribution.
  • Cannot be resold, sublicensed, or redistributed.
  • It cannot be used for on-demand products (e.g., t-shirts, posters, prints for resale) without an extended license.
  • No use in illegal, defamatory, or obscene content.
Pro License (Extended Commercial)
  • All uses allowed under the Pro License.
  • Use in print-on-demand products for resale (e.g., t-shirts, mugs, posters, e-books, and merchandise).
  • Large-scale advertising campaigns and commercial distribution.
  • No claims of exclusive ownership over the image.
  • Cannot be sublicensed or redistributed as standalone files.
  • No use in defamatory, pornographic, or unlawful content.

⚠️ Note: Content under the “Free License” terms requires attribution where applicable. Remember no matter what license you choose, you can never use MOBSEAR Gallery content for: Any illegal, offensive, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, unlawful, or libelous works that are strictly prohibited.

Do you need an “Exclusive License” for any assistance?

Exclusive licenses are available upon request on our platforms. Therefore, if you are seeking an “Exclusive License” for any assistance or specific needs, consider the following before making your choice:

  1. An Exclusive License grants the licensee full and exclusive rights to use the content. Once an Exclusive License is purchased, the content will no longer be available for others to license or download.
  2. Exclusive Licenses are not always available for every resource on our platform, as some content may remain non-exclusive or already licensed under other agreements.
  3. Pricing for Exclusive Licenses varies depending on the content, usage, and distribution scope.
  4. The licensee may use the content for commercial, personal, or promotional purposes without restrictions imposed on standard licenses.

Intellectual Property Rights

Who Owns the Content?

  • All stock images, vectors, graphics, photography, art & illustrations, reels, and video clips available on MOBSEAR Gallery are either owned by MOBSEAR Gallery, contributed by our community of creators, or licensed from third-party content providers.
  • The ownership of all content remains with the original creator or copyright holder. By uploading content to MOBSEAR Gallery, creators grant us a license to display, distribute, and make the content available for use according to our platform’s licensing terms.
  • Users who download or purchase content from MOBSEAR Gallery are granted a license to use the content as per the applicable usage terms, but this does not transfer ownership of the content to the user.

Attribution Requirement:

For Free Content

When using free content, you are required to provide proper attribution to MOBSEAR Gallery or the original creator unless stated otherwise. The attribution should be clear, visible, and included in all mediums where the content is used.

Proper Attribution:
When using free content from MOBSEAR Gallery, attribution is mandatory unless explicitly stated otherwise. Proper attribution helps recognize the efforts of the original creators and supports the creative ecosystem. Attribution should include the following:

  • The creator’s name (if provided).
  • A link back to MOBSEAR Gallery or the original content source.
  • The type of content used (e.g., photo, video, illustration).
    Example: “Photo by Salman Rahman via MOBSEAR Gallery” (with a clickable link to the content page).

Placement of Attribution:

  • In digital content (e.g., websites, social media posts): Place the attribution in the caption, footer, or description area of the content.
  • In printed materials (e.g., flyers, brochures): Include the attribution near the content or in the credits section.
  • For videos: Include the attribution in the credits or video description section.

For Premium Content

Attribution is not required for premium content purchased through MOBSEAR Gallery unless specified in the license agreement. However, providing credit is always appreciated to support the creators and encourage their work.

  • No Mandatory Attribution: Attribution is not required for premium content unless otherwise stated in the license agreement. Purchasing premium content gives users the right to use the content without needing to credit the creator. This allows businesses, marketers, and creators to use the content seamlessly in professional projects.
  • Voluntary Credit: While attribution is not mandatory for premium content, providing voluntary credit is encouraged as a sign of support for the creator’s work. If you choose to attribute, follow the same format as for free content.

Unattributed Use of Content

Failure to attribute free content properly (when required) or misrepresenting the creator’s work as your own constitutes a breach of our intellectual property policy and accounts may be suspended, content removed, or legal action taken.

Free Content Without Proper Attribution:
Using free content without the required attribution is a violation of our intellectual property policy. If attribution is not provided, MOBSEAR Gallery or the creator may take the following actions:

  • Notify the user to provide proper attribution retroactively.
  • Request removal of the content from the platform or publication where it was used.
  • Suspend the user’s account for multiple violations.

Claiming Content as Your Own:
Deliberately misrepresenting free or premium content as your own work—whether by removing watermarks, falsifying credits, or presenting it as an original creation—is strictly prohibited and could result in:

  • Account termination.
  • Legal action by MOBSEAR Gallery or the original creator for copyright infringement.

Commercial Misuse:
Using free content in a commercial project without proper attribution, where attribution is required, may result in financial penalties, removal of the content, or additional licensing fees.

By following the attribution requirements, users ensure compliance with intellectual property laws while maintaining trust within the creative community. Always review the specific license associated with the content before using it to determine the correct attribution guidelines. If you have any questions regarding the permitted usage of our content, please get in touch with us via the contact page or email us at [email protected].

Some FAQs About The Legal Usage Policy

Intellectual Property Rights FAQs

Enhanced FAQ Toggle

Who owns the content on MOBSEAR Gallery?

All content on MOBSEAR Gallery, including stock images, vectors, graphics, photography, art & illustrations, reels, and video clips, is owned by the original creators or copyright holders. MOBSEAR Gallery has the rights to display, distribute, and license this content, but ownership remains with the creators.

Do I need to give photo credit?

For Free Photos: Yes, you need to give proper credit when using free photos from MOBSEAR Gallery. The attribution should clearly include the creator’s name (if provided) or credit MOBSEAR Gallery directly. For example: “Photo from’s Name” or “Image by MOBSEAR Gallery.”
For Premium Photos: No, attribution is not required for premium photos unless specified in the licensing agreement. However, crediting the creator is always appreciated.

Do I need to give video credit?

For Free Videos: Yes, credit is required when using free reels or video clips from MOBSEAR Gallery. Proper attribution should appear alongside or within the project, such as in the credits or description. For example: “Video from’s Name” or “Footage courtesy of MOBSEAR Gallery.”
For Premium Videos: No attribution is necessary for premium video content unless otherwise specified in the licensing terms.

Do I need to give credit for modified content?

Yes, for Free Content: Even if you modify or adapt free content (e.g., resizing, cropping, or editing), you still need to give proper credit.
No, for Premium Content: Modified premium content does not require attribution unless specifically stated in the license.

What happens if I forget to give credit for free content?

Failing to provide attribution for free content is a violation of MOBSEAR Gallery’s intellectual property rights policy. This may result in:
(1) A request to add proper attribution to your project.
(2) Removal of access to the platform or suspension of your account.
(3) Potential legal consequences in cases of intentional misuse.

Is attribution required for personal, non-commercial use?

Yes, even for personal or non-commercial use, attribution is required for free content. It ensures that the creators receive recognition for their work and supports our creative community.

Is attribution required for downloaded free vectors, graphics, or illustrations?

Yes, if you are using free vectors, graphics, or illustrations, proper credit must be provided, similar to photos and videos.
For example: “Illustration from’s Name” or “Graphic courtesy of MOBSEAR Gallery.”

Usage License Policy FAQs

Enhanced FAQ Toggle

What is the difference between free and premium content licenses?

Free content is licensed under a basic license, which allows limited commercial use with attribution. Premium content comes with a standard or extended license that allows broader usage, including commercial projects and, in some cases, resale of derivative products.

Can I use MOBSEAR Gallery content for commercial purposes?

Yes, both free and premium content can be used for commercial purposes. However, free content requires proper attribution, and premium content must comply with the terms of the standard or extended license purchased.

Are there any restrictions on using content for merchandise or templates for resale?

Yes, the free content cannot be utilized to create items or templates for selling. Premium content requires an extended license for such use, as outlined in our Usage License Policy.

Can I share MOBSEAR Gallery content on other platforms?

You cannot redistribute, resell, or sublicense MOBSEAR Gallery content as is, even on other platforms. However, you may incorporate the content into your projects and share the final work in compliance with the license terms.

What happens if I use free content for commercial purposes without attribution?

Using free content commercially without proper attribution is a breach of the license and may result in penalties, such as content removal, account suspension, or legal action.

How can I check if a piece of content requires attribution or has specific licensing terms?

The licensing terms, including attribution requirements, are clearly mentioned on the content download page. Be sure to review these details before using any content.

Can I upgrade from a free license to a premium license?

Yes, you can purchase a premium license at any time to access extended usage rights and remove attribution requirements for a piece of content.

For general FAQs, please refer to the procedures outlined on our FAQ page.